Client: European Development Organization, Federal Government of Somalia

This case study presents an evaluation of (client name redacted)'s capacity development project in Somalia, with a particular focus on assessing its relevance, results, effectiveness, and associated risks. The evaluation was conducted using a mixed methods approach, incorporating desk reviews, numerical data collection, and key informant interviews with government stakeholders. The primary objective of the consultancy was to produce recommendations for the client to enhance the project's effectiveness and secure buy-in from the federal government of Somalia for continued funding.
A European development organization specializing in capacity development and humanitarian support initiated a capacity development project in Somalia with the aim of enhancing local institutions' capabilities and fostering sustainable development. This case study discusses how Grit Partners evaluated the project's performance in terms of relevance, results, effectiveness, and potential risks.

Methodology: The evaluation process involved a mixed methods approach, combining the following techniques:

1.Desk Review:
A comprehensive review of project documents, reports, and existing literature related to the capacity development project in Somalia.

2. Numerical Data Collection:
Collection and analysis of quantitative data, including project expenditure, outcome metrics, and impact indicators.

3. Key Informant Interviews:
In-depth interviews with key stakeholders, including staff from the donor’s embassy, local beneficiaries, government officials, and representativesof partner organizations.

Evaluation Focus Areas:

1. Relevance:
The study assessed whether the project aligns with the current needs and
priorities of the local institutions and the federal government of Somalia. It examined
the extent to which the project’s objectives remain pertinent to the evolving context.

2. Results:
The evaluation examined the project’s achievements and outcomes, including
the extent to which it contributed to capacity development, institutional strengthening,
and sustainable development in Somalia.

3. Effectiveness:
The effectiveness of the project in achieving its intended goals and
objectives was evaluated, with a particular emphasis on its impact on local institutions and communities.

4. Risk Assessment:
Potential risks associated with the project, such as political instability,
security concerns, and resource constraints, were identified and analyzed.

Findings and Recommendations: Based on the mixed methods evaluation, the following findings and recommendations were made:
• The project remains relevant to the needs of local institutions, as it addresses critical capacity gaps.

• Continuous monitoring of the evolving context and stakeholder consultations are recommended to ensure ongoing relevance.
• The project has achieved commendable progress in terms of capacity development and institutional strengthening.

• To enhance results, a more robust monitoring and evaluation framework should be implemented to measure long-term impact.
• The project has been effective in achieving its short-term objectives but may benefit from a more strategic approach to sustainable development.

• Strengthening partnerships with local government bodies is crucial to ensure long-term effectiveness.
Risk Assessment:
• Security risks and political instability in Somalia pose potential threats to the project’s continuity.

• A risk mitigation strategy that includes contingency planning and diversified funding sources should be developed.
This case study provides insight into the evaluation approach Grit Partners utilized to review the client’s capacity development project and outlined recommendations to guide the client in enhancing the project's impact and securing continued buy-in from the federal government of Somalia. A key lesson learned is that ongoing monitoring and adaptability are essential to ensuring the project's long-term success in contributing to sustainable capacity development in Somalia and other countries emerging from conflict and political instability.